• My work is about breathing. Inhale, exhale, and all the space and time between. Contemplation and peacefulness, drifting apart and separating, longing and conciliation, reuniting into quiet tranquility again.

    I try to capture emotions and the essence of thoughts into the almost de-materialized matter, constantly searching for immensity and silence in vastness of actual landscapes, mirroring those inside my awareness.

Latest News

  • 4. July 2024

    GRAND PRIZE of the Toyama Glass Exhibition 2024

    At the triennial international art exhibition, which is considered one of the most important and reference events in the field of art in glass, Tanja Pak received the Grand Prize for her work rêverie, This large-scale installation questions our fragility and tangibility.

    A five-member international jury of directors of contemporary museums and renowned experts chose from among 785 works of 580 artists from 50 countries. Fifty works will be presented at the exhibition at the Toyama Glass Museum in Japan from 13 July until October 13, 2024. Tanja Pak's work will become part of the museum's collection.

    Prize-winning Works Toyama International Glass Exhibition 2024

  • 23. June 2022

    Rêveries / To There

    Križevniška Church Ljubljana, 70th Ljubljana Festival , 23. 6.–5. 7. 2022

    Marijan Zlobec, »Tanja Pak z razstavo Rêveries/Tja v Križevniški cerkvi« (in Slovene) and »Križevniška cerkev na razstavi Tanje Pak zbrala imenitne umetnike« (in Slovene).

  • 15. November 2021

    Book on art and glass installation: Tanja Pak, Mid-Breath

    Published at the occasion of Mid-Breath exhibition in Velenje Gallery, 2021

    Designed by Tomato Košir
    Edited by Zdravko Duša
    Text by Miklavž Komelj, Milena Koren Božiček, Tanja Pak
    Translated by Irena Duša
    Slovenian language editing: Irena Androjna Mencinger
    Photos: Jaka Babnik, Tanja Pak, Miha Benedičič, Boris Gaberšček, Peter Koštrun, Ksenija Mikor, Tone Stojko, Alex Štokelj
    Presentational texts by Zdravko Duša (.pdf) and Tevž Logar (.pdf)
    Photos of the book by Dragan Arrigler
    Sadia Tasnim, Glass: book review (.pdf).

  • 15. October 2021

    CLOUDY at Eindhovn Dutch Design Week at The Future of Living exhibition, 16–24 October 2021

    Cloudy cups were inspired by the experience of arctic winter and the disappearing horizons in the snowstorm, when the sun's rays peeked across the horizon for just a moment through the darkness.